Fountain AI

Connect with Top Candidates Instantly

Fountain AI simplifies the application process, optimizes efficiency for recruiters, and keeps candidates engaged—getting applicants to their first day of work, fast.

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Increase in applicant engagement


Reduction in time spent applying


Faster time-to-hire

Conversational AI Built for High Volume

Fountain AI helps you achieve hiring efficiency by automating manual tasks and delivering qualified candidates who are ready to work.

Increase Hiring Speed

Simplify the process for both applicants and recruiters by moving candidates through the funnel with automatic data collection and interview scheduling.

Applicant Engagement

Focus on richer interactions with qualified candidates by leveraging automation to take care of manual tasks.

Efficient Recruitment

Reduce recruiters’ workload with the FAQ functionality by automating responses to common applicant questions, including those related to the top of funnel and applicant-specific inquiries.

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