Hireside Chat Series: Coffee and Conversation with Bojangles

Whether the strain of hourly hiring is seasonal or constant, summertime is no time to slow down on reaching your hiring goals. The good news? The right ATS can make your job easier – and get you out the door a little earlier to enjoy that sunshine.

Watch our “hire”side chat conversation with Jacob Salvo, Senior Director of Talent Management at Bojangles, to learn more about how he harnessed the power of Fountain to transform hourly hiring. After the conversation, we give a live demo so you can experience the Fountain platform for yourself!

“Choosing Fountain as our ATS has helped streamline our hiring process, minimized our days-to-hire, and created a hands-off automated application and hiring process, enabling us to find and hire frontline talent efficiently and effectively. With its user-friendly interface and powerful automation features, Fountain has elevated our candidate experience and exceeded our expectations.” – Jacob Salvo

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